Ashtanga, The Eight Limbs of Yoga: Yamas and Niyamas

How two Yamas and Niyamas may be put into practice in word, thought and deed.

As long as we are turning towards our own heart, how can we be in the wrong direction? There is much more to Yoga than the physical practice - we know this. In the Eight Limbs of Yoga, before stepping into Asana, we have Patanjali’s Yamas and Niyamas. The yamas and the niyamas offer us an opportunity to turn inwards and practice what we realise outwardly. The yamas and the niyamas quite literally offer us a guideline to navigate real life and go beyond the unreal, beyond the emotions and that which is falsify what we think is our true life experience. The yamas and niyamas bring us closer to navigating a truer existence, to exist in and to experience the universe and our true selves. This is liberation. These “rules”, although might seem restrictive to some, offer us the truest freedom.

The first of Patanjali’s Yamas is Ahimsa: non-harming or non-violence in thought, word and deed towards ourselves and others. The Yamas are often considered as ‘restraints’. They are a guideline as to how we can interact with the outer world. Ahimsa , the first of the yamas, is probably the the most fundamental of all, and the core basis of yoga. To refrain from causing harm to any living creature in the world may seem obvious. It is not in our natural instinct to harm another human being, to inflict violence on any living creature. Though to consider the indirect harm we may cause to living creatures, human or otherwise, opens up a huge chasm for thought. What about the choices we make and their consequences? The vote we have with our forks as to whether an animal should be harmed for our pleasure/survival. If not in action, what about the harm we may cause in words to others, or even thoughts to ourselves?

Thoughts are like drops of water. When I think the same thoughts over and over again, I am creating this incredible body of water. First, I have a little puddle, then I may get a pond, and as I continue to think the thoughts over and over again, I have a lake, and finally an ocean.

Inner Wisdom, Louise Hay

To live with a sensitivity to all living things, our own selves, the beings we have not and might never meet but who are affected by the choices we make. To honour the power that we possess and the ripple effect of a single thought, word, act or deed. To acknowledge the power of a single thought or act with ahimsa in mind is the yogic path. It is because of and thanks to this that starting from a single thought, the yamas and niyamas are able to translate into our everyday lives as unique human beings. And like droplets each of us as human beings might cascade into a community that is one body, as it always has been: Ātman.

Ahimsa, too, might be applied to our yoga practice itself - navigating the fine line between practicing with an effort that challenges us but that does not cause harm (or other impure thoughts e.g. competition, which causes damage to ourselves if not others).

How do we practice Ahimsa in word, thought and deed?

Word: speaking kindly towards others and ourselves. You know the old saying, if you can’t say anything nice then do not say anything at all! In word, we might speak up for those who are being caused harm, for example children or those who are abused, for animals who have no voice, even for the boy at the back of class who is being picked on. The key is that we use our voices for those who do not have their own without violence, as sometimes in sticking up for others we can become violent ourselves.

Thought: catch yourself when you think a negative thought. The more you catch it, the less you will do it. Be kind in thought to yourself and others. Think about how kind thoughts causing no harm might translate into action in the outer world.
Deed: practice non-violence outwardly, spread the message with your own example. Our behaviour in the outer world can cause a ripple-effect that others may follow. Choose foods which have caused no harm to animals and the humans who have produced it. Choose clothes that are ethically-sourced. Do the research!

The Niyamas offer us guidance in the personal: how we relate to ourselves. Ishvarapranidhana is the last of the five niyamas. It can open up differences of opinion as it literally translates as ‘surrender to the Lord God’. Can this not be interpreted as instruction to shift our perspective away from our selves, away from our egos, and the incessant obsession with the ‘I’? Instead we might dedicate our daily practice (in life, in yoga, in relationships) by surrendering to something other than our own self. There is something much more precious, more constant and more divine than ourselves. It need not be identified as a ‘God’ in the religious sense, but a higher Being, a higher collective that is far more important than the individual who is ego-driven, fear-driven, governed by unstable emotions and changing moods. There is something much much greater than us. This is what God, however we interpret him or it to be, reminds us. Surrender to this and we catch a glimpse of freedom. Freedom from the experiences, the feelings, the disappointments and even the joys, of ego-driven human life.

How do we practice Ishvarapranidhana in word, thought and deed?

Word: chanting mantra, prayer, withdrawing from uttering words which take us away from this practice.

Thought: surrendering thoughts which do not serve the greater purpose, whether these thoughts are those which push us to progress in our career for example (e.g. make more money that we do not need) or which detriment us.
Deed: chanting mantra, prayer, interaction with others in a way which surrenders to that which is greater.

Maha sadhana means Great Practice. With Asana, Pranayama, Meditation, as well as consistent practice of the Yamas and Niyamas, this practice will result in more control of the body and mind, as well as increased spiritual awareness. “The greatest teacher is within your heart” (Dharma Mittra). This teacher, ourselves, holds the answers to all of the questions that we already know, all of the teachings that we have forgotten, and the key to a freedom that we have always possessed. This is the practice that leads us back home.

Only a single thought can enter our mind at one time. If we have a positive thought, neither a negative nor a neutral thought will enter our mind. If we have a negative thought, neither a positive nor a neutral thought will enter our mind. If we have a neutral thought, neither a positive nor negative thought will enter our mind.

Excerpt from PiPo Source Code 072


A Face Angel: how to get rid of makeup


I am slowly, but surely, making up with makeup. For one, it takes time to apply. I am no good at applying it, and even worse at getting it off. The fact that most of my work is on retreat (full face of makeup, hello, who are you?) if wearing makeup demands travelling with remover wipes and extra oil-based cleansers, you can forget it.

Environmentally-far-from-friendly, time-consuming and doesn’t  do the job properly anyway. I wake up in the morning still to a pair of panda eyes and lipstick on my top teeth. Then there’s the pile of wipes on the bedside table that look like Pete Burns went to town on.

Besides, if I need a pick me up then I do Facial Yoga Workout. That works wonders. For those too busy to do a full Facial Workout, watch the video below for 3 of my top Facial Exercises to combat wrinkles and start turning back the clock. If you’re a busy bee, then this is 3 minutes of your time that you should make. After a Facial Yoga Workout many people find that they do not need to apply as much makeup as they would normally.

For those occasions when I do want a face full, I’ve tried something new. Face Halo. They’re reusable, compact and chemical-free. Life is good again.

Face Halo - The Modern Makeup Remover - works with either cold or warm water to loosen your makeup. Its HaloTech fibre strands reach deep into your pores to remove and trap makeup, giving your skin a healthy and invigorating clean in half the time. You don’t need to rub or scrub, and the pads are machine washable. And there’s one for the body too. You’ve thought of everything guys. You are angels.

Now that’s one way to get rid of makeup. Want a better foundation for your makeup? Work it out! Here is a 3-minute video below to work out the wrinkles in between your eyebrows, lips and bring elasticity back into the neck and jowls.

Facial Yoga, Facial Fitness - whatever the name, it's all Facial Exercise. And it is VERY beneficial for you and your skin.

Watch below for the Full Facial Yoga Workout - if you haven’t got time to watch it now, you can Save it For Later on YouTube :)

The shots I can’t get enough of

Back when I used to spend 10 hours a day at my desk, I wish I had known about these. Making my own healthy drink in the office took too much time, the local “health food” bars and cafes were either not all that healthy at all, overpriced, or tasted awful. At least we got together eventually - Bumblezest have brought something to the market that tastes good, is small enough to travel with on flights, boosts my energy and gets my skin glowing even when I’m tired and overdoing it.

When the body is in a state of inflammation, everything is harder (to say the least). So, how do you reduce inflammation? You can do it with sleep, boosting your immune system, with DIET and watching your stress + activity levels (not enough can be too little, but too much can also be too much). I can’t always control the amount of stress I have to deal with (said the yoga teacher!) but I do manage this using diet. Anti-inflammatory foods (most often plant-based foods) are how I do it.

By the way, when your body is in a lesser state of inflammation, this means it can respond more positively to flexibility and/or strength training - you are able to recover more quickly after training. You know what that means? Less DOMS, you can train a little more, and the more you train the better you become at your chosen practice.


The last year has been constant travel, moving between countries and then moving between houses, organising "At Home" Cleanses for clients. Getting a pot or pan, let alone my juicer out to make myself a nutritious meal has been tough. It helps working in the wellness industry, but train journeys and flights in between have meant I’ve had to keep life minimalistic. Most of my cooking equipment has been in storage and I don’t remember the last time I went food shopping or was “home” long enough to actually use all of the produce before it walked its own way out of the fridge!


Bumblezest’s founder, Battersea-based Daniel was, like me, living and working in the city juggling numerous things and trying to find his way as he navigated between a stressful job and finding balance with his health- a stress in itself! The drink comes in little 90ml glass bottle (a nod to reducing carbon footprint) which makes it quick to drink (though I do try to make it last as it tastes so good!) and fine to travel with - it would be a very sad day if I had to leave a bottle behind at airport security.


I drink these in the morning (as it feels good knowing that the first thing to hit my digestive system is a food that nourishes). You can have it as a health shot on the go, or dilute with filtered water or even nut/seed milks, if that’s your thing. Sometimes I mix it with something fancier *vodka ahem* to share with friends and trick them into drinking something that’s a little “better" for them; it’s a way to find balance. Besides, there’s no point in being super healthy unless it make you super happy.


Gluten, nut, dairy and lactose free, colouring, additives and preservative free. I love the shots that contain Hydrolyzed Marine Collagen (from wild caught fish). Collagen supports healthy skin, bone, hair, joints, muscles, organs and other connective tissue. Did you know that collagen is a protein our bodies already know how to make? Good sources to help boost our body’s production of collagen are: dark green veg, red/orange veg (Vitamin A helps restore collagen that has been damaged), citrus (Vitamin C is required in the process to make collagen, as well as zinc and copper) fish, meat (broths in particular), and eggs.


The ingredients, elixirs such as maca, ginger, turmeric, spirulina, pair up with lemon juice as the main fruit base. Fructose, which is fruit sugar, has been getting a lot of bad press recently (save that for another journal post). Lemon has a very low fructose level so if that is something you’re worried about, you don’t need to. For flavour, the shots are sweetened with natural ingredients- a drop of honey, maple or stevia. Honey, by the way, is full of natural vitamins, enzymes and phytonutrients. It has its own microorganisms which make it a powerful natural antibiotic. This is becoming all the more important what with the disappearance of bees on our planet and the increase in antibiotic-resistance. Bumblezest work with British bee keepers and use only ethically sourced honey, ensuring that all their honey comes from hives where honey is left for the bees all year round so that the bees are able to survive the winter.

‘If the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe, then man would have only four years of life left’ - Albert Einstein

There are lots of flavours you can try, these are the ones I am buzzing about:

REVIVE + RESTORE ginger, turmeric, collagen (hydrolysed Marine Collagen from wild fish)

To lift you if you are ill or feel a cold coming on

NOURISH + NURTURE cacao, maca, collagen (from wild fish)

Your alternative to coffee, sweet treat, and has a sprinkling of cayenne to give your workout or metabolism a kick when you need it

CALM + COMFORT camomile, lavender, spirulina

To calm and comfort you, florals and superfoods to relax and restore if you’re feeling stressed, anxious or having trouble unwinding

If you’re really into juicing, get yourself booked onto a week at Juicy Oasis or Juicy Mountain. Don’t hang around because I’ve spent most of 2018 telling my mates I can’t bump them up the loooooooooooong waiting list- if it’s fully booked, it means fully booked.

Instagram @bumblezest

Instagram @victoriaadams


How Rose can literally make your life better

Rose - the scientific reason you deserve a bouquet from your beloved

Rose petals - the scientific reason you deserve a bouquet from your beloved

Rose petals - the scientific reason you deserve a bouquet from your beloved


I love using Rose! A few drops of rose oil on my yoga mat, to scattering rose petals over my desserts, and occasionally in the bath tub! There is something about using Rose that instantly makes me feel warm, comforted, and content. If I am experiencing any sense of anxiety, insecurity or self-doubt, rose brings me back to my centre, my femininity, my strength. It’s a way of making me feel indulgent without cracking open the Milk Tray!!


The aroma of roses can melt away our stress and tension, and is immediately uplifting. Do you think it’s coincidence that the rose is harnessed as a gift to console grief or adorn romantic interests? Traditionally, the aromatic oils from rose petals appeal to all the senses, not just smell: rose is cooling, and ingesting rose cannot only calm those very hot type-A personalities, but also has been proven to increase sexual function in both men and women (Farnia et. al., 2015). How does it do this? Rose has an effect that balances stress and emotional hormones, calming down the nervous system and allowing the rest of your hormones to work in sync. Rose petal tea is great for reducing stress levels after a long day, as well as helping to induce sleep if you struggle to wind down.


You might have heard that bouquets were traditionally used to cover up bad odour. Along with other aromatic plants, rose prevents the spreading of microbes. Try rose water mixed with a saline solution for infected eyewashes. A cup of warm rose tea is packed with Vitamin C that will fight infection, help improve immunity and safeguard you from colds and infections. Drink it as a tea to provide relief from a runny nose and cold. Have it cold to alleviate a sore throat. Rose is also an effective anti-allergen: use your cold rose water home-brew for mild sunburn, rashes and allergies.


Rose is tightening and toning for the skin, and even proven to help alleviate canker sores and other inflammatory breakouts from head to toe. Rose petals are rich with antiseptic, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory. Its antioxidative properties make it an ideal home cure for various skin conditions, including acne. Read on to make a rose water that you can use orally or topically for your skin. Drinking rose water or washing your face with this will help lock in moisture to keep your skin soft ad hydrated. Rose’s antioxidant properties (it’s packed with vitamin A and Vitamin E) help clear blemishes, leaving you with a softer, smoother and more radiant younger-looking skin. Rose’s antioxidant effect reduces the effect of free radicals which damage skin, which will delay ageing. It is effective at reducing dark circles too.


Rose petals can work in an adaptogenic way as far as our health is concerned - they have been show to both help reverse menorrhagia (abnormally heavy bleeding) as well as act as a styptic. It has been used historically by midwives. So be careful! Rose’s power on the female reproductive system varies from person to person. Two cups of warm tea with black pepper (which acts as a synergen) and honey is said to help decongest blood flow and reduce pain. It’s also a good home remedy for irregular periods.


Rose’s bright hue is indicative of the presence of phytonutrients, like antioxidants, carotenoids, anthocyanins, and bioflavonoids. Scatter a few dried rose petals on your desserts, cereals and in tea! Rose contains organic acids such as citric, malic acid and pectin- these are known to boost the digestive power of the body. A stronger digestive system makes for a safer gastrointestinal tract, more equipped to fight against diseases and infections. It also helps to expel waste more efficiently, nourishes gastric mucosa (lining of the gut walls) and sets a stronger foundation for the growth of good bacteria in your gut. As rose is a natural laxative, it is less invasive than over-the-counter drugs or something stronger like Senna. Again, Rose Tea has an adaptogenic response as it can alleviate not only constipation, but also diarrhoea and dysentery.Drinking Rose water regularly is also known to alleviate urinary tract infections.


Replace your midday snacks with a hot rose tea twice daily. This zero calorie drink is something akin to green tea, will a lesser stimulative effect. It will calm down hunger pangs and as it helps control cravings you can move forward in your fat loss journey.


Rose Water - face wash, eye wash or mouthwash, antimicrobial gargle, sunburn soother

Crush rose petals before adding to hot water. Brew for 5-15 minutes.Drink immediately or allow to cool before applying topically to the skin.

Rose + Pistachio Granola

½ cup Tahini, ⅓ cup maple syrup, 1 tsp Vanilla pods or powder, ½ tsp cinnamon, ¼ tsp sea salt, 2 cups oats, 1 cup pistachios, Rose petals, 1 tbsp Matcha @omgmatchatea - this is the one I use, took me ages to find a Matcha I actually LIKED!

Preheat oven to 180C.

In a large bowl, combine maple syrup, sea salt, vanilla, cinnamon, matcha and tahini. Stir well.

Stir in oats and pistachios.

Spread out thinly and evenly onto a lined baking sheet, pressing the mixture together.

Bake for 10-15 minutes, then remove from oven to flip.

Bake for another 5-10 minutes.

Shake and stir granola a little in between baking.

Allow granola to cool, then toss with dried rose petals.

If you fancy giving Rose a try, I buy mine from here

Yours always,

Victoria x